Eric Andersen

Content Strategist | Writer | Editor | Podcaster

Hello! First off, thanks for taking the time to visit my creative portfolio. You can view a curated collection of some of my content marketing writing samples below. Many of these articles were "ghost-written" following interviews with subject matter experts (SMEs) in their respective fields. You can also use the site nav to learn more about me.

Virginia Olson: Enjoying Every Moment at Friendship Village of Bloomington

On live television, you have to be able to adapt to the situation. Virginia Olson learned how to make every moment count during her time as a presenter on the QVC shopping channel. “There were two channels [I hosted on],” Virginia said. “I started [on air] in Minneapolis, because I was doing work for a company and they asked if I’d [represent them]. I did that for 10 years. [Being a QVC presenter] was very challenging, stressful, rewarding, and adventuresome.”

Fe Stott: Finding Beauty in Each New Day at Abbey Delray South

Abbey Delray South residents are able to admire vibrant flower arrangements thanks to the work of Fe Stott, whose passion for flowers and gardening stems back to her childhood. “My mother used to start from scratch, get a cutting from a plant, and just stick it in the ground and it grew,” Fe said. “When I was in grade school, we walked to school and I picked up some wildflowers on the way to give to the teacher. I guess that’s how it all started.”

When Should I Get a Hip Replacement?

Our hip joints are protected by a cushion of connective tissue known as cartilage. As we age, the cartilage that cushions our hip joints wears down. As the cartilage wears away it can lead to arthritis and other common conditions that eventually result in end-stage joint disease. When hip joint cartilage weakens to the point of bone-on-bone contact you will more than likely know it by the increased pain and decreased mobility. Hip replacement surgery performed by an orthopaedic surgeon is a prov...

When Should I Get a Knee Replacement?

Knee replacement surgery involves resurfacing or replacing a damaged or worn knee with an artificial joint to relieve severe pain and improve mobility. During the procedure your orthopaedic surgeon will cut away damaged bone and cartilage from your kneecap, thigh and shin bones and replace what they remove with an artificial joint typically made of metal and plastic materials.Some people might put off having knee replacement surgery while they try out other non-surgical treatments. However, knee...

The Best Modern Window Styles for Your Home

Replacing your windows not only enhances the curb appeal of your home, but it also provides a great opportunity for a stylish modern upgrade. As an added bonus, some of the most popular modern window styles are energy efficient and allow lots of natural light into your space. What is modern style? Its core principles include simplicity, minimalism and practicality. In design, this means straight lines, natural textures and neutral colors. Think modest, unadorned windows.

How to Improve Your Daily Standups

Whether they are remote or in-person, daily standups help Agile teams quickly plan out their workday. The goal of the standup is to keep everyone informed and united as a team. Your daily standup should give each person present a chance to answer these questions: Daily standups are intentionally short (15 minutes) to help your team maintain energy. A longer meeting held every day could cause your team to get bored with or burnt out on meetings.

5 Agile Estimation Techniques to Help Your Team Work Smarter

One of the most important things Agile teams can do to keep a project on track is accurately estimate the amount of effort needed to complete tasks pulled from the backlog. The idea behind effort estimation — also known as work estimation — is to realistically identify how much effort will be needed for team members or Contributors to complete assigned tasks in every sprint.There are a number of Agile estimation methods designed to help teams more accurately measure the effort required to comple...

What Is Cosmetology School?

Are you interested in a career in cosmetology, but aren’t sure how to get started? Cosmetology school is a must for anyone considering becoming a licensed cosmetologist. In this blog post, we’ll cover the basic requirements for enrollment at an accredited cosmetology school. We’ll also provide more details on the cosmetology experience sourced from admissions advisors and licensed cosmetologists at the Tricoci University of Beauty Culture.

What Is an Esthetician?

Esthetics is an exciting industry and it continues to grow in popularity as more people prioritize caring for their bodies and skin with the help of trained professionals. Estheticians provide a number of services related to skincare and maintaining vitality, health, and a glowing complexion. An esthetician license means that the service provider has been properly trained and educated in the latest methods and techniques meeting industry standards.

Green Technology in Real Estate Development

Sustainable design is nothing new. It has been a focus of attention since the 1990s. However, it was not until more recently that environmental concerns became top of mind for investors. As millennial investors continue to look for new opportunities, they are increasingly drawn toward sustainable real estate development projects. Meanwhile, many experienced investors have also realized the monetary and societal benefits of backing these types of projects.